DACA STAYS! The US Government announced that effective December 7, 2020 that they will be accepting new DACA applications. Do you qualify? Contact us now.
1452 Dorchester Avenue
Floor 4
Dorchester, MA 02122
A: Only if you have decided this is the best course of action after a full discussion with an attorney. You should insist on getting the best outcome you can get in your case, even if you are actually guilty. You are legally innocent until proven guilty, so there is no dishonesty in maintaining your innocence and making the government prove their case, even if you did 100% of what they accuse you of. If you feel bad about what you did, you can make up for it by offering restitution to the victim (but consult with an attorney first to avoid charges of witness tampering), or by doing community service or giving to charity or something. I can recommend my favorite charity if you need advice on this. But you getting a record that will follow you around for life, if you could have avoided it, does not benefit anyone except the prosecutor who gets another feather in their cap. It will actually impair your ability to be a productive and contributing member of society and make up for whatever you did.
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