Success Stories
How We Succeed
Attorney Patrick Long has had more dismissals than guilty pleas in Massachusetts state courts.
How does he do this? By working long hours, by working hard for his clients, by preparing for trial.
Patrick has also done exceptionally well in terminating immigration cases because his superior legal analysis reveals to him ways of defeating the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to deport his clients that other attorneys don’t see.
For example, Patrick succeeded in terminating proceedings for a client who had all but given up on any hope of staying in the United States.
How? Patrick examined his criminal record and realized that the client could stay in the U.S. just by vacating three convictions. The process of vacating the three convictions wasn’t easy, but Patrick did the legal research, went the extra mile, and spent hours preparing to argue the vacaturs, so he won all three.
Patrick can help you get the best outcome for your case. An experienced criminal attorney told one of our young clients that she had no chance of avoiding jail, and she came to Patrick for help. Patrick knew it was a bad offer by the prosecutor, and he advised her not to take it. He went with her to court, and she avoided both a trial and a jail sentence.
How? Patrick prepared for trial. He wrote motions, argued his motions, analyzed the case material, went over every report with his client. In the end, the prosecutor was not ready for trial, and the judge accepted a plea with no jail consequences.
How? Hard work, preparation, and diligence. Patrick will be there for you.

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(617) 297-7502